Iseng jawab ya bunda2 soal sperma pembawa kromosom x dan y
Sperma Y bersinar terang, bentuknya bundar, ukurannya hanya sepertiga dari sperma X, jalannya pun gesit, tetapi sperma Y lebih cepat musnah. Sedangkan sperma X bentuknya panjang, besar, jalannya lamban, tetapi dapat bertahan hidup lebih lama (tabloid no* Dengan kata lain pergerakan dipengaruhi massa sel^^
Tapi ada yang bilang ini: kalau sperma Y tidak berenang lebih cepat dibanding sperma X
Although several attempts have been made to correct this impression, it was not until the development of computer assisted sperm analysis (CASA) that reliable observations could be made. So far, researchers have found no morphological differences between human X sperm and Y sperm. Neither mature sperm nor their precursors possess significant morphological differences between X and Y genotypes; and Y bull sperm do not swim faster than X sperm. Valerie J Grant senior lecturer University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland 1, New Zealand
(Sumber: Entrenched misinformation about X and Y sperm)
Jurnal lengkap ttg pergerakan sperma ini bisa diakses di:
Comparative motility of X and Y chromosome-bearing bovine sperm separated on the basis of DNA content by flow sorting. - PubMed - NCBI
Tapi ini jurnal tahun 1998, mungkin ada penelitian terbarunya, cmiiw ya bunda2 ^0^.