Forum Ibu Hamil dan Kehamilan Daftar di untuk ikutan diskusi seputar kehamilan

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nonnal...   TS 
Posts: 8
Default tunjukkan jalannya

I am from indonesia. I live in west jakarta area. Now I am pregnant. As a result of my beloved. But my lover does not want to be responsible. He just left me. I do not have a job. What should I do now? Do I have to end my life, or should I have my abortion, do I continue to keep this baby until I give birth and get out safely this baby. I am confused what to do. While I do not have any money to check my womb condition. I do not want this baby. I want to sell this kid in my stomach. Is there someone who can help me? Is there a kind-hearted darmawan who wants to help me? Can anyone give me a solution or give me some money to take the baby out in my womb and take my baby away to be treated and raised? If any please contact my contact. Phone: 0838-9244-9033. what's app: 0838-9816-6638. I wait as soon as possible. Because I am ashamed my content is already running six month. And my stomach is getting bigger. Please people don't judge me or bully but help me because im very confused and so tired. Im sad im angry im crying now. Not somebody help me. Not one person understand me.
Silakan daftar untuk menulis pesan :-)

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Forum diskusi kehamilan dan komunitas ibu hamil terbesar di Indonesia
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