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bebeki...   TS 
Posts: 3
Thumbs up Bantal menyusui jumbo, cocok buat menyusui bayi kembar, dari Cozyland

Double Deluxe Nursing Pillow Cozyland (cocok bangets buat twins)

Twins mean doubled duties but also doubled joy. Surely you have a lot of concerns about bringing up or feeding. Do not get stressed. You are not the only one. The world is full of twins. Since other mums succeeded, you can for sure handle it too.Double Deluxe Nursing Pillow Cozyland is a revolutionary multi functional cushion or pillow for both Mother and her Babies.This pillow is one of the most critical components to success in breastfeeding. It is the single biggest way to support yourself and your little one for many, many happy hours of nursing!Strong and firm it provides good support to the baby whilst feeding and supports their back.The nursing pillow / breast feeding pillow will also grip around your waistline comfortably offering you a feeling of security and remove the need for you to keep adjusting it for comfort during feeding.This multi use breast feeding pillow has many functions including pre-natal back support for you, optional between knees support whilst sleeping or as a wedge to rest under your tummy when sleeping on your side.Rest your babysafely within the curve, on the matras after feeding, prop your baby within whilst they learn to sit upright and cushion their fall if they topple over.Older kids can lie on the pillow to watch their favourite programme.
Removable 100% cotton washable cover.
Description Product :
- Size : 90 x 70 x 23 cm- Zippered, removable 100% cotton cover for easy cleaning
- Inside pillow is covered in 100% cotton, washable / laundry
- Filled with 100% new polyester fiber
- Shipping volume 5kg

Double Deluxe Nursing Pillow/ bantal menyusui besar merupakan revolusi multifungsi bantal bagi bunda dan si kecil.Banyak manfaat yang dapat diperoleh, antara lain sbb :- Membantu dan memberi rasa nyaman saat menyusui, baikbagi ibu dan bayi.- Menopang bayi, saat ibu melakukan beberapa aktifitas duduk.- Alat bantu belajar duduk si kecil.- Membantu dan memberikan rasa nyaman bagi ibu dan bayi,selama berpergian di mobil.- Sebagai sandaran saat awal awal belajar makan.

How to used Double Deluxe Nursing Pillow Cozyland for twins baby :
- Sit comfortably on a sofa. Support yourself with pillows on both sides- Place the first baby so that his feet are directed towards your back, and his tummy touches your side. Hold his head and neck with one hand.
- Place the other baby in the same position but on you other side.
Price Rp 310.000,-
sms/ whatsapp 082 111 600 620
Pin bb 26A49D49 atau 74D5F5C9
Line Bebekidsworld
Reseller are welcome
Thank you

Attached Thumbnails
Bantal menyusui jumbo, cocok buat menyusui bayi kembar, dari Cozyland-double-deluxe-nursing-pillow-cozyland-burberry.jpg   Bantal menyusui jumbo, cocok buat menyusui bayi kembar, dari Cozyland-double-deluxe-nursing-pillow-cozyland-batik-stripe-daun.jpg   Bantal menyusui jumbo, cocok buat menyusui bayi kembar, dari Cozyland-double-deluxe-nursing-pillow-cozyland-rainbow-color.jpg  

bebeki...   TS 
Posts: 3
Attached Thumbnails
Bantal menyusui jumbo, cocok buat menyusui bayi kembar, dari Cozyland-how-used.jpg   Bantal menyusui jumbo, cocok buat menyusui bayi kembar, dari Cozyland-double-deluxe-nursing-pillow-cozyland-lv-brown.jpg   Bantal menyusui jumbo, cocok buat menyusui bayi kembar, dari Cozyland-double-deluxe-nursing-pillow-cozyland-sweet-flowers.jpg  

bebeki...   TS 
Posts: 3
Attached Thumbnails
Bantal menyusui jumbo, cocok buat menyusui bayi kembar, dari Cozyland-double-deluxe-nursing-pillow-cozyland-lovely-pink.jpg   Bantal menyusui jumbo, cocok buat menyusui bayi kembar, dari Cozyland-double-deluxe-nursing-pillow-cozyland-rainbow-love.jpg   Bantal menyusui jumbo, cocok buat menyusui bayi kembar, dari Cozyland-double-deluxe-nursing-pillow-cozyland-lovely-purple.jpg  

bebeki...   TS 
Posts: 3
:k yaa:
Attached Thumbnails
Bantal menyusui jumbo, cocok buat menyusui bayi kembar, dari Cozyland-double-deluxe-nursing-pillow-cozyland-burberry.jpg   Bantal menyusui jumbo, cocok buat menyusui bayi kembar, dari Cozyland-double-deluxe-nursing-pillow-cozyland-lv-brown.jpg   Bantal menyusui jumbo, cocok buat menyusui bayi kembar, dari Cozyland-double-deluxe-nursing-pillow-cozyland-sweet-flowers.jpg  

bebeki...   TS 
Posts: 3
bebeki...   TS 
Posts: 3
Bebekidsworld - Baby, Kids, and Moms Store in Jakarta Since 2007 - Trusted Online Shop

bebeki...   TS 
Posts: 3
Bebekidsworld - Baby, Kids, and Moms Store in Jakarta Since 2007 - Trusted Online Shop
bebeki...   TS 
Posts: 3
Bebekidsworld - Baby, Kids, and Moms Store in Jakarta Since 2007 - Trusted Online Shop
bebeki...   TS 
Posts: 3
:k yaa:
Bebekidsworld - Baby, Kids, and Moms Store in Jakarta Since 2007 - Trusted Online Shop
Attached Thumbnails
Bantal menyusui jumbo, cocok buat menyusui bayi kembar, dari Cozyland-double-deluxe-nursing-pillow-cozyland-elmo.jpg   Bantal menyusui jumbo, cocok buat menyusui bayi kembar, dari Cozyland-double-deluxe-nursing-pillow-cozyland.jpg   Bantal menyusui jumbo, cocok buat menyusui bayi kembar, dari Cozyland-double-deluxe-nursing-pillow-cozyland-1.jpg  

bebeki...   TS 
Posts: 3
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