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Location: Surabaya
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Default Waterproof Mini Chef Apron

HARGA: $5.18 =Rp 50.000,- (bebas ongkir)

Spec Barang:
Cartoon style mini apron
Dual layered design with waterproof and grease-proof interior
Material: fabric (external)
Suitable to use when do painting, gardening work
Has a front pocket for holding your little utensils and tools
Soft and comfortable to wear
Easy to wash
Cute Kitty cat pattern features this set
Comes with a pair of sleeves
Apron size: 49.3 x 38.3cm (L x W)
Sleeve size: 25 x 14.8cm (L x W)

Tetap lindungi buah hati anda saat bermain dan beraktivitas diluar rumah atau dapur. Biarkan kreativitas mereka tumbuh bersama tumbuh kembang fisiknya...

Segera miliki untuk buah hati anda, bunda....

Shopping online:
$1.71 - TinyDeal - Pear Shaped Memo Pad FSN-7219
TinyDeal - Android Smart Phone, LED Watch, China Online Shop, Free Shipping
Silakan daftar untuk menulis pesan :-)

air, anti, celemek

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