Me myself😇
i'm a student in 27 Bandung Junior High School but I move to Muhammadiyah17 JHS i don't like math, i don't like physics, because i can't calculate and i can't figure it out.
I like Raisa, The vamps ,Justin Bieber , Oku Manami ,AKB48 ,Beyonce (oh how fabulous), Etc.
I have a lot of friends in my school, sometimes i like to converse with my friends who lives in Bandung, Japan, Bogor. They're kind and friendly. Uhm i want to introduce them, The one from Bandung is Levia , from Japan is Keiko, and the one from Bogor is Belle. We've met in Facebook Messenger, and Instagram. We were Skype, so i can saw their real face.]
Oke.langsung ke intinya aku masih remaja ibu ku sudah gak ada sejak aku kelas 1SMP dan aku anak ke4 paling bungsu🙂.semenjak aku ditinggal ibu ku Aku ngerasa kurang Ada perhatian Dari keluargaku,aku merasa hidup sendirian tanpa seorangpun yang ngerti perasaanku. And like nobody loves me, aku pengen banget ke banget bangetan untuk mencari orang tua yang mau berbagi hati cinta perhatian dsb sebagai orang tua. Aku merasa hopeless sekali untuk diri ku
So if you want to me for your daughter email: or messenge/call :08993216966. I need new family,jangan kidding ya for respond. Again siapapun bisa Bantu aku,aku sangat berterima kasih sekali.
Thx love all❤️❤️❤️