kondisi : bagus serta terawat ( jarang sekali dipakai )
1. Quinny Zapp Xtra bisa digunakan mulai dari bayi baru lahir
2. Seat bisa menghadap luar atau menghadap si pendorong.
3. Seat bisa 3 posisi.
4. seat sangat comfort untuk anak2 karena bagian tatakan kaki bisa ditekuk atau bila untuk bayi bisa diluruskan.
5. stroller menggunakan rem kaki.
Kelengkapan: dus, adaptor, raincover, shopping bag (bisa dipasang dibawah stroller atau dilepas).
The Quinny Zapp Xtra Features:
* Suitable from birth to approximately 4 years
* Reversible seat unit
* Forward facing 3 recline position
* Rearward facing 2 recline position
* Backrest adjustable with one hand on back of
* Adjustable harness height (3 positions)
* Adjustable footrest
* Complete with shopping basket
* Incredibly sleek and attractive design
* Ideal for travelling with any kind of
transportation (bike, car, train, plane)
* Full size buggy with an ultra compact 3-D fold
* Highly manoeuvrable front wheel that can rotate
360 degrees and can be locked
* All-round suspension
* Soft-touch rubber handles
* Anodised aluminium frame
* Complete with raincover
Harga: 3.5juta
Contact: 081313529510
COD Bandung.