Siang, numpang promo y
Seatpad atau alas ini bahannya nyaman dan empuk, juga mudah dicuci. Cocok bgt buat si kecil yang sering make stroller, bouncer dan carseat. Kebayang kan ribetnya buat nyuci alas stroller ato carseat harus dibuka pasangnya itu lho..susa kalo sering-sering tapi tau sndiri kalo namanya dipake anak pasti suka gampang kotor. Pakein ini aj moms, jadi yang dicuci tinggal seatpadnya. Selain itu makenya bisa dibolak-balik jg lho, serasa punya 2 seatpad.
Desainnya juga cocok untuk nopang bentuk kepala dan tubuh si kecil jadi makin nyaman di stroller/bouncer/carseatnya g doyong2.
Harga : Rp 80.000,-
Proudly made in Indonesia lho moms, g kalah mutunya sama buatan luar yang ratusan apalagi yuk diorder^^
Berikut testimoni dan pic customer yg uda make..
Berikut detail keterangannya:
CuddleMe Seat Pad, provides maximum comfort and complete head & body support for your baby when you take him out for a walk or a ride inside the car or when playing with swing or bouncer.
It has detachable head support that can be customized for comfort. Adjusting upward as baby grows.
The unique contours work well with all harness systems and the Head & Body support transfers easily to provide support for baby in car seats, strollers, jogging strollers and swings.
With padding only on the sides, not behind baby, the Snuzzler does not interfere with the safety of car seat harnesses. The Head & Body SUpport reverses from smooth polar fleece fabric to plush velboa for two distinct looks.
Material : polar fleece anti pilling and velboa.
Compatible with : most strollers, baby jogger, most baby car seats, most baby bouncers
Suggested age : newborn and up
Care and Cleaning: Machine Wash with laundry netUntuk cek status stok terupdate dan kemudahan pemesanan bisa lewat
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2. Ika --> LINE & WA 081931264454 / BBM 74d05c3c
(mohon pilih salah satu agar tidak double order dan memperlambat proses)
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---------- Post added at 16:57 ---------- Previous post was at 15:18 ----------
Soree..kami juga menjual aneka baju, piyama, dress, dan lain-lain untuk baby dan anak
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