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Default Sewa pompa asi / breast pump rental


Provide breast pumps rental either electric or manual
from many brands such as : MEDELA, AVENT, PIGEON, LITTLE GIANT, UNIMOM and many more..

For mommies who wants to try how the breast pump works
before you buy it. All breast pumps well maintained and sterilized
before send to you. You could rent weekly or monthly with great price.

Medela Base, Rp. 25.000 / week Rp. 60.000 / month
Medela Swing (Electric), Rp. 45.000 / week Rp. 140.000 / month
Medela Mini Electric "The Famous Breast Pump", Rp. 30.000 / week Rp. 90.000 / month
Medela Harmony,Rp. 25.000 / week Rp. 60.000 / month
Medela Cooler Bag, Rp. 30.000 / week Rp. 90.000 / month

Little Giant Mini Electric, Rp. 25.000 / week Rp. 60.000 / month
Little Giant Mosella Breast Pump 2 in 1 (electric & Manual Pump), Rp. 30.000/week Rp. 90.000/month
Little Giant Manual, Rp. 20.000 / week Rp. 50.000 / month

Pigeon Portable Electric, Rp. 30.000 / week Rp. 90.000 / month
Pigeon Manual, Rp. 20.000 / week Rp. 50.000 / month

Add my facebook and twitter to rent and see the complete collection!

Facebook: mom.momilk
Twitter : mommy_milk
Call/SMS : 0856.9388.9739

ASI is the best than other milk lho Bun (^.^)
.: Mommy Milk :.
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asi, medela, pompa asi, sewa pompa asi

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