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jatisl...   TS 
Posts: 59
Default musik klasik pada bayi tidak akan membuat bayi pintar!!! (penelitian)

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A study this year, published by the German Research Ministry, analyzed music and intelligence, and concluded that “passively listening to Mozart — or indeed any other music you enjoy — does not make you smarter. But more studies should be done to find out whether music lessons could raise your child's IQ in the long term.” Experts Discuss Whether Mozart Really Does Make Babies Smarter | Fox News

The 'Mozart effect' phenomenon was first suggested by a scientific study published in 1993 in the respected journal Science.

It showed that teenagers who listened to Mozart's 1781 Sonata for Two Pianos in D major performed better in reasoning tests than adolescents who listened to something else or who had been in a silent room.

The study (which did not look at the effect of Mozart on babies) found that college students who listened to a Mozart sonata for a few minutes before taking a test that measured spatial relationship skills did better than students who took the test after listening to another musician or no music at all.

The finding, by a group at the University of California whose study involved only 36 students, led crèches in America to start playing classical music to children and the southern US state of Georgia even gave newborns a free classical CD.

Most recently Helena Bonham Carter has said that listening to Mozart and other classical music while pregnant has made my children 'unbelievably smart'.

But there has been debate since about whether the effect exists.

The effect is a myth
A report, published in the journal Pediatrics, said it was unclear whether the original study in 1993 has detected a "Mozart effect" or a potential benefit of music in general.
But they said a previous study of adults with seizures found that compositions by Mozart, more so than other classical composers, appeared to lower seizure frequency.
Lubetzky's team said it was possible that the proposed Mozart effect on the brain is related to the structure of his compositions as Mozart's music tends to repeat the melodic line more frequently.
In more condemning evidence, a team from Vienna University's Faculty of Psychology analysed all studies since 1993 that have sought to reproduce the Mozart effect and found no proof of the phenomenon's existence.
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In all they looked at 3,000 individuals in 40 studies conducted around the world.
"Those who listened to music, Mozart or something else – Bach, Pearl Jam – had better results than the silent group. But we already knew people perform better if they have a stimulus," said Jakob Pietschnig, who led the study.
"I recommend everyone listen to Mozart, but it's not going to improve cognitive abilities as some people hope," he added.
A study in Nature in 1999 by Christopher Chabris, a psychologist, adding up the results of 16 studies on the Mozart effect, found only a one and a half point increase in IQ and any improvements in spatial ability limited solely to a paper-folding task.

The benefits of music to kids
Music seems to prime our brains for certain kinds of thinking. After listening to classical music, adults can do certain spatial tasks more quickly, such as putting together a jigsaw puzzle.
Why does this happen? The classical music pathways in our brain are similar to the pathways we use for spatial reasoning. When we listen to classical music, the spatial pathways are "turned on" and ready to be used.
This priming makes it easier to work a puzzle quickly. But the effect lasts only a short time. Our improved spatial skills fade about an hour after we stop listening to the music.
Learning to play an instrument can have longer-lasting effects on spatial reasoning, however. In several studies, children who took piano lessons for six months improved their ability to work puzzles and solve other spatial tasks by as much as 30 percent.
Why does playing an instrument make such a difference? Researchers believe that musical training creates new pathways in the brain.

Why classical music
The music most people call "classical"--works by composers such as Bach, Beethoven, or Mozart--is different from music such as rock and country. Classical music has a more complex musical structure. Babies as young as 3 months can pick out that structure and even recognize classical music selections they have heard before.
Researchers think the complexity of classical music is what primes the brain to solve spatial problems more quickly. So listening to classical music may have different effects on the brain than listening to other types of music.
This doesn't mean that other types of music aren't good. Listening to any kind of music helps build music-related pathways in the brain. And music can have positive effects on our moods that may make learning easier.

Sudah pasti lebih baik kita dengar kan bayi kita dengan Suara Al quran.Karena Mozart classic is Myth
Thread lain yang berhubungan:
Posts: 5,797
udah pernah dibahas
kita yg muslim emg ga pernah meragukan kehebatan ayat2 Al-Qur'an
tapi dsini kan juga ada yg non muslim

toh bayi pintar, cerdas, juga tergantung stimulasi orgtuanya
dan yg pasti dari gen juga sih

---------- Post added at 12:13 ---------- Previous post was at 12:12 ----------

kuot dulu lah ya
Budayakan menggunakan kolom SEARCH
rikha ...
Posts: 4,391
Misi.. Ada terjemahan bahasa indonesianya ga
Posts: 731
Sebenernya bukan musiknya yg bikin pintar atau ngga nya bun.
Tapi.. mendengarkan musik yg sama dengan yg bayi dengarkan saat diperut, bisa bikin bayi tenang.
Karena dia berasa seperti dlm perut ibunya.
Nah.. bayi yg tenang kan berati tidurnya cukup.. tidur cukup itulah yg menyebabkan perkembangan otaknya maksimal.
Jd bukan musiknya, tp suasananya.
Makanya kl dr perut biasa denger musik A atau ayat2 suci tertentu, hrs diulang2 dan diteruskan sampe dedek lahir..
Begitu sih kl yg saya baca..
Posts: 392
aku jg pernah dgr penelitian kyk gini... tp aku tetap kasi dede dgr musik clasik n lagu" kesukaanku jg, tujuannya biar dede dr dlm perut udah kenal musik
Location: Cijantung, Jakarta Timur
Posts: 1,612
udah pernah dibahas.. kecerdasan anak yg paling berperan besar ya stimulasi dan pola pengasuhan dr ortu sm lingkungannya, kedua dr gen.. kl musik cm bbrp persen.. yg tiap hari didengerin mozart/ayat2 Al-Quran tp kl diasuhnya diomel2in sm emak bapaknya jg blm tentu jd anak cerdas
Think before you speak

jatisl...   TS 
Posts: 59
yup... untuk membuat anak cerdas pola asuh orang tua ( orang tua merupakan role model bagi anak) kedua gen .. asupan gizi..musik classic tidak berperan sama sekali 0 persen please see reference Fact or Fiction?: Babies Exposed to Classical Music End Up Smarter - Scientific American ...atau mainan mahal juga tidak berperan.reference Can You Make Your Child Smarter?

Earlier this year, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research in Germany published a second review study from a cross-disciplinary team of musically inclined scientists who declared the phenomenon nonexistent. "I would simply say that there is no compelling evidence that children who listen to classical music are going to have any improvement in cognitive abilities," adds Rauscher, now an associate professor of psychology at the University of Wisconsin–Oshkosh. "It's really a myth, in my humble opinion." jadi kata mereka cuma mitos he he peace all cuma share ilmu
Posts: 509
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Misi.. Ada terjemahan bahasa indonesianya ga
idem ama mak satu ini..
Silakan daftar untuk menulis pesan :-)

mozart classic is myth

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