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Posts: 385
Default Fertility treatment drug in Netherland

sekedar bagi bacaan : di Belanda, ada treatment kesuburan dengan obat yang mengandung Hormon HCG. Kalo nga salah...hormon HCG di dapat dari air seni ibu-ibu hamil

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At the moment about one in six couples are faced with fertility problems. Fertility treatment can considerably increase their chances to get pregnant. For these treatments doctors often use a drug containing the hCG hormone.
The hCG hormone is made by the human body in large quantities in the first four months of pregnancy. Most of it leaves the body through urinating. Collecting this hormone makes it possible to produce a drug is made which stimulates ovulation.

The organization Mothers for Mothers collects the urine of pregnant women. In the urine of pregnant women we find the hCG hormone (Human Chorion Gonadotrofine). This hormone is the base of a drug that helps other women to become pregnant.
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