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QueenA...   TS 
Posts: 105
Default Hari ke tujuh Terapi Jeruk Nipis,akhirnya tepar

malam bun, hari ini saya pas hari ketujuh terapi jeruk nipis, 28 buah dan saya tidak sanggup karena yang kemaren 24 buah saya sudah tepar langsung demam tinggi, perut panas seperti kebakar didalam sendawa merajalela dan asam lambung pun naik.. dan sampai akhirnya saya gagal dihari ke tujuh ini, padahal suami sudah peras jeruk nya untuk ku, tapi saya gak sanggup masih gemetar dan menggigil mungkin karen deman tinggi..
tapi suami masih lanjut terapinya semoga berbuah manis, Amin. Dan harus ulang dari awal lagi deh... penuh perjuangan buat dapatin dedek bayi..
Semoga Tuhan memberkati usaha kami, Amin.
Thread lain yang berhubungan:
Posts: 10
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malam bun, hari ini saya pas hari ketujuh terapi jeruk nipis, 28 buah dan saya tidak sanggup karena yang kemaren 24 buah saya sudah tepar langsung demam tinggi, perut panas seperti kebakar didalam sendawa merajalela dan asam lambung pun naik.. dan sampai akhirnya saya gagal dihari ke tujuh ini, padahal suami sudah peras jeruk nya untuk ku, tapi saya gak sanggup masih gemetar dan menggigil mungkin karen deman tinggi..
tapi suami masih lanjut terapinya semoga berbuah manis, Amin. Dan harus ulang dari awal lagi deh... penuh perjuangan buat dapatin dedek bayi..
Semoga Tuhan memberkati usaha kami, Amin.
Wah bunda hebat...saya blm berani minum...ngebayangin kecut nya hehehe
Posts: 206
Terapi jeruk nipis maksudnya minum jeruk nipis peras gitu Bun? Wew, ga kebayang 28 buah... Maaf, memang sudah kosong brp lama? Sekadar sharing, sy juga kosong 6 tahun Bun, alhamdulillah sekarang sudah 10 minggu.... Saya coba ganti air minum dg air minum air TDS rendah... setelah 6 bulan alhamdulillah positif.
Posts: 64
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malam bun, hari ini saya pas hari ketujuh terapi jeruk nipis, 28 buah dan saya tidak sanggup karena yang kemaren 24 buah saya sudah tepar langsung demam tinggi, perut panas seperti kebakar didalam sendawa merajalela dan asam lambung pun naik.. dan sampai akhirnya saya gagal dihari ke tujuh ini, padahal suami sudah peras jeruk nya untuk ku, tapi saya gak sanggup masih gemetar dan menggigil mungkin karen deman tinggi..
tapi suami masih lanjut terapinya semoga berbuah manis, Amin. Dan harus ulang dari awal lagi deh... penuh perjuangan buat dapatin dedek bayi..
Semoga Tuhan memberkati usaha kami, Amin.
kalo mbak punya asam lambung jeruk nipis aku gak recomend mbak . aku pernah cobaa 1 butir sehari gara2 susah cari lemon mau hemat dengan nipis dengan nipis akhirnya aku divonis dr gastro reflux acid . aku muntah2 trus bahkan minum air putih pun muntah .akhirnya aku ganti nipis dgn lemon

coba ganti jeruk nipis dgn jeruk lemon impor . kalo jeruk lemon impor sangat beda dengan jeruk nipis . lemon bersifat alkali dilambung akan menjadi basa sifat nya malah bisa menetralkan asam lambung .

Salah satu pendukung promil ku adalah 1 butir lemon/ warm lemon water dipagi hari untuk menetralkan tubuh ku dari toksin dan sebagai antioksidan alami . akhirnya sekarang uda hamil 8 minggu .

artikel dari babycenter us tentang manfaat lemon untuk kesuburan

Lemon Water For Fertility!
If you are trying to get pregnant and yet cannot conceive, doctors recommend different methods to remedy this.
Certain factors have been identified to lower the chances of conceiving. Some of these factors are alcohol consumption, smoking, lack of exercise, improper diet, and many more. Because of the different scientific studies that established the effects of diet on fertility, many doctors recommend that proper diet is a key to increase fertility.
Have you heard of lemon water? It has been said that this type of water is good for fertility. In fact, it has many health benefits. How does it help for most infertility couples?
For many years, lemon water for fertility has been gaining popularity among women who find it hard to conceive. Lemon water for fertility is from the Traditional Chinese Medicine, which uses natural ingredients to treat and prevent diseases.
Lemon is a great fruit because it is loaded with vitamin C, magnesium, calcium, potassium, and antioxidants. First and foremost, drinking water already does wonders for fertility. Water thins out mucus and increases it as well. And cervical fluid is very important in conception. Without cervical fluid, the sperm won't be able to reach the egg. Furthermore, if the cervical fluid is of good quality and quantity, it can help the sperm stay alive for several days while waiting ovulation.
And if you add lemon to your drinking water, you are even increasing the likelihood of getting pregnant many times. The bodies are bombarded with harmful free radicals from pollution and food. And these free radicals can harm the sperm, egg, and reproductive organs. This is the importance of antioxidants. Antioxidants in this beverage will help destroy these free radicals thereby making your bodies more ready for conception. This is why it is effective for infertility treatment.

semoga membantu
QueenA...   TS 
Posts: 105
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Wah bunda hebat...saya blm berani minum...ngebayangin kecut nya hehehe
iya bun demi dapat tiket H..
soalnya sudah 4 thn penantian bun..
mohon Doa nya

---------- Post added at 13:12 ---------- Previous post was at 13:11 ----------

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Terapi jeruk nipis maksudnya minum jeruk nipis peras gitu Bun? Wew, ga kebayang 28 buah... Maaf, memang sudah kosong brp lama? Sekadar sharing, sy juga kosong 6 tahun Bun, alhamdulillah sekarang sudah 10 minggu.... Saya coba ganti air minum dg air minum air TDS rendah... setelah 6 bulan alhamdulillah positif.
sudah 4 thn bun...

---------- Post added at 13:13 ---------- Previous post was at 13:12 ----------

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kalo mbak punya asam lambung jeruk nipis aku gak recomend mbak . aku pernah cobaa 1 butir sehari gara2 susah cari lemon mau hemat dengan nipis dengan nipis akhirnya aku divonis dr gastro reflux acid . aku muntah2 trus bahkan minum air putih pun muntah .akhirnya aku ganti nipis dgn lemon

coba ganti jeruk nipis dgn jeruk lemon impor . kalo jeruk lemon impor sangat beda dengan jeruk nipis . lemon bersifat alkali dilambung akan menjadi basa sifat nya malah bisa menetralkan asam lambung .

Salah satu pendukung promil ku adalah 1 butir lemon/ warm lemon water dipagi hari untuk menetralkan tubuh ku dari toksin dan sebagai antioksidan alami . akhirnya sekarang uda hamil 8 minggu .

artikel dari babycenter us tentang manfaat lemon untuk kesuburan

Lemon Water For Fertility!
If you are trying to get pregnant and yet cannot conceive, doctors recommend different methods to remedy this.
Certain factors have been identified to lower the chances of conceiving. Some of these factors are alcohol consumption, smoking, lack of exercise, improper diet, and many more. Because of the different scientific studies that established the effects of diet on fertility, many doctors recommend that proper diet is a key to increase fertility.
Have you heard of lemon water? It has been said that this type of water is good for fertility. In fact, it has many health benefits. How does it help for most infertility couples?
For many years, lemon water for fertility has been gaining popularity among women who find it hard to conceive. Lemon water for fertility is from the Traditional Chinese Medicine, which uses natural ingredients to treat and prevent diseases.
Lemon is a great fruit because it is loaded with vitamin C, magnesium, calcium, potassium, and antioxidants. First and foremost, drinking water already does wonders for fertility. Water thins out mucus and increases it as well. And cervical fluid is very important in conception. Without cervical fluid, the sperm won't be able to reach the egg. Furthermore, if the cervical fluid is of good quality and quantity, it can help the sperm stay alive for several days while waiting ovulation.
And if you add lemon to your drinking water, you are even increasing the likelihood of getting pregnant many times. The bodies are bombarded with harmful free radicals from pollution and food. And these free radicals can harm the sperm, egg, and reproductive organs. This is the importance of antioxidants. Antioxidants in this beverage will help destroy these free radicals thereby making your bodies more ready for conception. This is why it is effective for infertility treatment.

semoga membantu
mkasih bun buat infonya
Silakan daftar untuk menulis pesan :-)

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